Lifecycle Tests
To re-iterate: smart contracts are unique software entities that, once deployed, often control significant financial assets and execute critical business logic autonomously. Unlike traditional software that can be patched or updated easily, smart contracts require careful verification of their entire operational lifespan. This chapter explores lifecycle testing, a comprehensive approach to ensuring smart contracts behave correctly throughout their existence.
[!INFO] I first discovered lifecycle tests for smart contracts from the maple-core-v2 repo. They have one of the best test suites out there. I became a fan of it since then.
Lifecycle tests are advanced from of end-to-end test which is designed to validate the behavior of a smart contract throughout its entire lifecycle. They ensure that the contract behaves correctly over time, especially as it moves through different states and handles a sequence of operations that might occur during its lifespan. The main goal is to verify that the contract maintains integrity and correctness throughout all possible state changes.
In smart contracts, this "life story" includes several critical phases:
- Deployment and initialization
- Configuration and setup
- Active operation period
- State transitions and upgrades
- Emergency scenarios
For example, consider a token vesting contract. Its lifecycle begins when deployed, progresses through initialization where beneficiaries and schedules are set, enters an active phase where tokens gradually vest, handles claims throughout its life, and eventually completes when all tokens are distributed. Each of these phases must be thoroughly tested to ensure the contract behaves correctly throughout its existence.
Why not unit/integration tests?
While unit tests focus on individual functions and integration tests verify component interactions, lifecycle tests examine the evolution of contract's state and behavior during every stage. Think of it this way:
- Unit Tests are like checking individual car parts - the engine, wheels, brakes - in isolation.
- Integration Tests verify these parts work together - the engine powers the wheels, brakes stop the car.
- Lifecycle Tests ensure the car performs correctly throughout its entire lifespan - from factory assembly to years of operation.
Common Contract Lifecycle Patterns
Smart contracts often follow predictable lifecycle patterns based on their purpose:
- Time-Based Progression: Contracts that mature or evolve based on time, like vesting schedules or escrow. These contracts transition through states based on temporal triggers.
- User-Driven Evolution: Contracts that progress based on user actions, like governance systems where proposal submission and voting drive state changes.
- Event-Triggered Changes: Contracts that respond to external events or oracle data, transitioning states based on market conditions or other triggers.
Example #1: Lending Contract
Here's a quick example for Event Triggered changes. Let's use our previously implemented advanced lending contract that allows users to deposit collateral, borrow against it, and repay loans with a newly added liquidate()
method for this example since the contract's state changes based on user actions and market conditions (price changes).
contract LendingWithLiquidation is AdvancedLending {
uint256 public constant LIQUIDATION_THRESHOLD = 850; // 85% of collateral value
uint256 public constant LIQUIDATION_BONUS = 50; // 5% bonus for liquidators
uint256 public price; // Price of the token in USD (18 decimal places)
// basic health check and liquidation method
function liquidate(address borrower, uint256 amount) external {
uint256 borrowerDebt = borrows[borrower];
if (borrowerDebt == 0) revert NoDebtToLiquidate();
uint256 collateralValue = (deposits[borrower] * price * COLLATERAL_FACTOR) / 1000 / 1e18;
if (borrowerDebt * 1000 <= collateralValue * LIQUIDATION_THRESHOLD) revert PositionNotLiquidatable();
uint256 maxLiquidation = (borrowerDebt * LIQUIDATION_THRESHOLD) / 1000;
uint256 actualLiquidation = amount > maxLiquidation ? maxLiquidation : amount;
uint256 collateralToLiquidate = (actualLiquidation * 1e18 * 1000) / (price * COLLATERAL_FACTOR);
uint256 liquidationBonus = (collateralToLiquidate * LIQUIDATION_BONUS) / 1000;
uint256 totalCollateralToLiquidator = collateralToLiquidate + liquidationBonus;
if (deposits[borrower] < totalCollateralToLiquidator) revert InsufficientCollateral();
if (!token.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), actualLiquidation)) revert TransferFailed();
borrows[borrower] -= actualLiquidation;
totalBorrows -= actualLiquidation;
deposits[borrower] -= totalCollateralToLiquidator;
totalDeposits -= totalCollateralToLiquidator;
if (!token.transfer(msg.sender, totalCollateralToLiquidator)) revert TransferFailed();
Here's an example of how a lifecycle test for this contract might look using Foundry:
function testLendingLifecycle() public {
console.log("Step 1: User deposits tokens");
token.approve(address(lending), 1000 ether);
lending.deposit(1000 ether);
assertEq(lending.deposits(user), 1000 ether);
assertEq(lending.totalDeposits(), 1000 ether);
console.log("Step 2: User borrows against collateral");
lending.borrow(700 ether);
assertEq(lending.borrows(user), 700 ether);
assertEq(lending.totalBorrows(), 700 ether);
console.log("Step 3: Attempt to borrow more than allowed");
vm.expectRevert("Exceeds borrow limit");
lending.borrow(150 ether);
console.log("Step 4: Partial repayment");
token.approve(address(lending), 200 ether);
lending.repay(200 ether);
assertEq(lending.borrows(user), 500 ether);
assertEq(lending.totalBorrows(), 500 ether);
console.log("Step 5: Withdraw some funds");
lending.withdraw(100 ether);
assertEq(lending.deposits(user), 900 ether);
assertEq(lending.totalDeposits(), 900 ether);
console.log("Step 6: Set up for liquidation");
lending.borrow(200 ether);
assertEq(lending.borrows(user), 700 ether);
console.log("Step 7: Price drop, making the position liquidatable");
lending.setPrice(0.8 ether); // 20% price drop
console.log("Step 8: Liquidator attempts to liquidate");
uint256 liquidatorBalanceBefore = token.balanceOf(liquidator);
token.approve(address(lending), 300 ether);
lending.liquidate(user, 300 ether);
uint256 liquidatorBalanceAfter = token.balanceOf(liquidator);
assertLt(lending.borrows(user), 700 ether);
assertLt(lending.deposits(user), 900 ether);
assertGt(liquidatorBalanceAfter, liquidatorBalanceBefore);
console.log("Liquidator balance before:", liquidatorBalanceBefore);
console.log("Liquidator balance after:", liquidatorBalanceAfter);
"Collateral received by liquidator:",
liquidatorBalanceAfter - liquidatorBalanceBefore
console.log("Step 9: User repays remaining debt");
uint256 remainingDebt = lending.borrows(user);
token.approve(address(lending), remainingDebt);
assertEq(lending.borrows(user), 0);
console.log("Step 10: User withdraws remaining collateral");
uint256 remainingDeposit = lending.deposits(user);
assertEq(lending.deposits(user), 0);
assertEq(lending.totalBorrows(), 0);
assertEq(lending.totalDeposits(), 0);
assertLt(token.balanceOf(user), INITIAL_BALANCE);
assertGt(token.balanceOf(liquidator), INITIAL_BALANCE);
Sample output:
Step 1: User deposits tokens
Step 2: User borrows against collateral
Step 3: Attempt to borrow more than allowed
Step 4: Partial repayment
Step 5: Withdraw some funds
Step 6: Set up for liquidation
Step 7: Price drop, making the position liquidatable
Step 8: Liquidator attempts to liquidate
Liquidator balance before: 10000000000000000000000
Liquidator balance after: 10192187500000000000000
Collateral received by liquidator: 192187500000000000000
Step 9: User repays remaining debt
Step 10: User withdraws remaining collateral
As you can see the above test demonstrates a complete lifecycle of the lending flow from deposit till withdrawal including the liquidation.
- The user puts some money in (deposits).
- Borrows some money.
- Then tries to borrow too much and get told "no".
- He pays back some of what he borrowed.
- He takes out a bit of what was originally put in.
- Again borrow some more.
- The value of the collateral drops (market crash).
- Liquidator comes in and liquidates part of his position.
- The user pays off the rest of what they owe.
- They take out whatever they have left and leave.
At each step, we're checking that everything works as it should. It's like making sure all the gears in a machine are turning correctly as we put it through its paces.
This test is quite effective because it doesn't just check one thing at a time. Instead, it looks at how everything works together, just like it would in the real world. It helps us catch problems that might only show up after a bunch of different things happen one after another. This lifecycle test demonstrates how the contract's state changes in response to various user actions (events), and how these changes affect subsequent actions. It's crucial to test these event-triggered changes comprehensively to ensure the contract behaves correctly throughout its entire lifecycle.
Let's look into another detailed example for time-based progression 👇
Example #2: Token Vesting Contract
Let's take an example of a vesting contract (time-based progression) and see how to implement lifecycle tests for the same.
The token vesting contract manages the gradual release of tokens to beneficiaries over time.
Let's examine its core requirements and states:
- Uninitialized: Contract deployed but not configured
- Initialized: Beneficiary and schedule set
- Funded: Tokens deposited and ready
- Vesting: Active vesting period
- Completed: All tokens distributed
Let's implement the contract:
contract Vesting is Ownable {
// Core storage variables
IERC20 public token;
address public beneficiary;
uint256 public vestingStart;
uint256 public vestingDuration;
uint256 public totalAmount;
uint256 public releasedAmount;
VestingState public state;
bool public paused;
enum VestingState {
// Modifiers for common state checks
modifier onlyInState(VestingState requiredState) {
if (state != requiredState) {
revert InvalidState(state, requiredState);
function initialize(
address _beneficiary,
uint256 _vestingDuration
) external onlyOwner onlyInState(VestingState.Uninitialized) {
// Validate input parameters
if (_beneficiary == address(0)) {
revert ZeroAddress();
if (_vestingDuration == 0) {
revert ZeroDuration();
beneficiary = _beneficiary;
vestingDuration = _vestingDuration;
state = VestingState.Initialized;
emit VestingInitialized(_beneficiary, _vestingDuration);
function fund(
IERC20 _token,
uint256 _amount
) external onlyOwner onlyInState(VestingState.Initialized) {
if (_amount == 0) {
revert ZeroAmount();
token = _token;
totalAmount = _amount;
// Attempt token transfer
bool success = token.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount);
if (!success) {
revert TransferFailed();
state = VestingState.Funded;
emit VestingFunded(_amount);
function startVesting()
vestingStart = block.timestamp;
state = VestingState.Vesting;
function vestedAmount() public view returns (uint256) {
if (state != VestingState.Vesting) {
return 0;
if (block.timestamp >= vestingStart + vestingDuration) {
return totalAmount;
return (totalAmount * (block.timestamp - vestingStart)) / vestingDuration;
function claim() external whenNotPaused onlyBeneficiary {
if (state != VestingState.Vesting) {
revert InvalidState(state, VestingState.Vesting);
if (block.timestamp <= vestingStart) {
revert VestingNotStarted();
uint256 vested = vestedAmount();
uint256 claimable = vested - releasedAmount;
if (claimable == 0) {
revert NoTokensAvailable();
releasedAmount += claimable;
bool success = token.transfer(beneficiary, claimable);
if (!success) {
revert TransferFailed();
emit TokensReleased(claimable);
// Check if vesting is complete
if (releasedAmount == totalAmount) {
state = VestingState.Completed;
emit VestingCompleted();
Now let's implement the lifecycle tests for the Vesting contract. We'll make sure that the test calls all the methods:
function testVestingLifecycle() public {
// Step 1: Verify initial state after deployment
assertEq(uint256(vesting.state()), uint256(Vesting.VestingState.Uninitialized));
assertEq(vesting.owner(), admin);
assertEq(address(vesting.token()), address(0));
// Step 2: Initialize the vesting contract
vesting.initialize(beneficiary, VESTING_DURATION);
assertEq(vesting.beneficiary(), beneficiary);
assertEq(vesting.vestingDuration(), VESTING_DURATION);
assertEq(uint256(vesting.state()), uint256(Vesting.VestingState.Initialized));
// Step 3: Fund the vesting contract
token.approve(address(vesting), TOTAL_AMOUNT);, TOTAL_AMOUNT);
assertEq(token.balanceOf(address(vesting)), TOTAL_AMOUNT);
assertEq(uint256(vesting.state()), uint256(Vesting.VestingState.Funded));
// Step 4: Start vesting period
assertEq(uint256(vesting.state()), uint256(Vesting.VestingState.Vesting));
assertEq(vesting.vestingStart(), block.timestamp);
// Step 5: Test partial vesting at 25% duration
vm.warp(block.timestamp + VESTING_DURATION / 4);
uint256 expectedVested = TOTAL_AMOUNT / 4; // 25% should be vested
assertApproxEqRel(vesting.vestedAmount(), expectedVested, 0.01e18); // 1% tolerance
// Step 6: Make partial claim
uint256 preClaimBalance = token.balanceOf(beneficiary);
uint256 claimedAmount = token.balanceOf(beneficiary) - preClaimBalance;
assertApproxEqRel(claimedAmount, expectedVested, 0.01e18);
// Step 7: Test full vesting completion
vm.warp(block.timestamp + VESTING_DURATION); // Move to end of vesting
assertEq(vesting.vestedAmount(), TOTAL_AMOUNT); // All tokens should be vested
// Step 8: Final claim
assertEq(uint256(vesting.state()), uint256(Vesting.VestingState.Completed));
assertEq(token.balanceOf(beneficiary), TOTAL_AMOUNT);
assertEq(token.balanceOf(address(vesting)), 0);
// Step 9: Verify post-completion state
We can also verify how the contract works under emergency situations with admin intervention:
function testEmergencyControls() public {
// Setup funded and vesting state
vesting.initialize(beneficiary, VESTING_DURATION);
token.approve(address(vesting), TOTAL_AMOUNT);, TOTAL_AMOUNT);
// Move to 25% vested
vm.warp(block.timestamp + VESTING_DURATION / 4);
// Test pause functionality
// Verify claims are blocked
// Test unpause and claim
// Verify tokens were claimed
assertGt(token.balanceOf(beneficiary), 0);
Awesome, this approach ensures our vesting contract behaves correctly throughout its entire lifecycle, handling both expected operations and emergency conditions appropriately. Now let's take a quick peek into some best practices I think would be useful when implementing the lifecycle tests.
Best practices and Common Pitfalls
Test complexity often grows exponentially with contract complexity, so it's good to structure them efficiently
contract ComplexLifecycleTest is Test {
// Break down complex scenarios into smaller, focused tests
function test_VestingSchedule_LinearVesting() public {
// Test basic linear vesting
function test_VestingSchedule_WithCliff() public {
// Test vesting with cliff period
// Use modifiers to enforce test prerequisites
modifier withFundedContract() {
// Parameterize tests for different scenarios
function test_VestingCalculation(uint256 timeElapsed) public {
vm.assume(timeElapsed <= vestingDuration);
// Test calculation with different time periods
Manipulating time is crucial in lifecycle tests.
contract TimeAwareLifecycleTest is Test {
// Define time constants clearly
uint256 constant DAY = 1 days;
uint256 constant YEAR = 365 days;
function test_TimeProgression() public {
// Start from a known timestamp
vm.warp(1672531200); // Jan 1, 2023
// Use relative time movements
vm.warp(block.timestamp + 180 days);
// Check time-sensitive calculations
"Incorrect vesting calculation"
// Test time boundaries
function test_TimeBoundaries() public {
// Test at exact boundaries
vm.warp(vestingStart + vestingDuration - 1);
vm.warp(vestingStart + vestingDuration);
Proper state verification is essential for catching subtle bugs:
contract StateVerificationTest is Test {
// Create a struct for expected state
struct VestingState {
uint256 releasedAmount;
uint256 vestingStage;
bool isActive;
function verifyState(VestingState memory expected) internal {
// Comprehensive state verification
"Released amount mismatch"
"Stage mismatch"
"Active status mismatch"
// Verify invariants
function _verifyInvariants() internal {
// Check fundamental truths that should always hold
assert(vesting.releasedAmount() <= vesting.totalAmount());
Tests serve as living documentation. Don't be shy to over-document your tests.
/// @title Token Vesting Lifecycle Tests
/// @notice Comprehensive tests for token vesting lifecycle
/// @dev These tests verify the complete contract lifecycle
contract TokenVestingLifecycleTest is Test {
/// @dev This test progresses through all contract phases
function test_DetailedLifecycle() public {
// PHASE 1: Initialization
/* Detailed explanation of what's being tested and why */
// PHASE 2: Funding
/* Clear documentation of test progression */
// Clearly document assumptions
// Document edge cases and why they matter
- Time-Related Issues:
// WRONG: Hardcoded timestamps
// RIGHT: Relative time manipulation
vm.warp(block.timestamp + YEAR);
- State Pollution:
// WRONG: Relying on state from previous tests
function test_Second() public {
// Assumes state from test_First
// RIGHT: Each test sets up its own state
function test_Second() public {
// Test logic
- Incomplete State Verification:
// WRONG: Partial verification
function test_Claim() public {
assertEq(token.balanceOf(beneficiary), amount);
// RIGHT: Complete state verification
function test_Claim() public {
releasedAmount: amount,
vestingStage: ACTIVE,
isActive: true
Cool, that's all you have to know to get an essence of what lifecycle testing is and how to implement it.
Throughout this chapter, we've explored the how to implement lifecycle testing for your protocol. Hopefully you've learned that unit tests verify individual components and integration tests check interactions, lifecycle tests validate the user's and contract's state at every phase. These tests serve as both a safety net and a form of living documentation, helping future developers understand how the contract should evolve over time.
Give yourself a pat on your back if you made it this far 👏👏.
I know that's a lot. I recommend you to re-read the chapter at your own pace to get the most out of it. As mentioned earlier, these advanced tests like differential testing, lifecycle tests, etc., are not mandatory to be implemented, but incorporating them will make your auditing very efficient as you'll find most of the bugs hiding in the plain sight.
It'll leave the auditors to go deep-in and butcher your code to search for intricate bugs. So it's that additional 1% of the effort that makes quite a big the difference in the securing your codebase. Also, you don't have to implement these tests from day 1. You can always improve your test suite by adding advanced tests post deployment as well. As your protocol accrues more TVL, it gives you a piece of mind and helps you sleep better at nights* 😅.
Don't go yet, there are more interesting testing patterns like scenario testing, mutation testing are waiting for you. After that we'll also explore formal verification, symbolic testing, branching tree technique and more! See you there 👋